A Lifetime of Wellness
Starts with routine wellness care.
OSSVH offers Healthy Pet Plans for puppies and kittens, who are eligible to enroll from 2 to 8 months of age. To help prepare for your new pet's appointment, we ask that you complete our online Patient Risk Assessment/Client Update Form.
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- A thorough physical examination
- Oral exam and recommendations for proper dental health
- Individualized flea and tick control treatments and recommendations
- Risk assessment to determine if any of your pet’s risk factors have changed
- Vaccinations or titers based on your pet’s unique risks
- Behavioral and lifestyle counseling
- Nutritional counseling and weight management advice
- Heartworm and tick-borne disease testing for dogs (Lyme disease, Ehrlichia, Anaplasmosis)
- Infectious viral disease testing for at-risk cats (Feline leukemia and Feline immunodeficiency virus)
- Fecal evaluation for intestinal parasites
- X-large dogs (>90 lb)—senior at 7 years of age
- Large dogs (51–90 lb)—senior at 8 years of age
- Medium dogs (21–50 lb)—senior at 9 years of age
- Small dogs (0–20 lb)—senior at 10 years of age
- Cats—senior at 10 years of age
- Thorough physical examination
- Orthopedic evaluation for osteoarthritis
- Oral exam and recommendations for proper dental health
- Blood pressure monitoring when indicated
- Intraocular pressure eye test (in susceptible breeds) to check for glaucoma, which can occur more frequently in pets as they age
- Individualized flea and tick control treatments and recommendations
- Risk assessment to determine if any of your pet’s risk factors have changed
- Vaccinations or titers based on your pet’s unique risks
- Behavioral and lifestyle counseling
- Nutritional counseling and weight management advice
- Comprehensive blood work to help determine health problems early on while they can still be managed effectively
- Infectious viral disease testing for at-risk cats (Feline leukemia and Feline immunodeficiency virus)
- Fecal evaluation for intestinal parasites